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Armenian genocide essay

Armenian genocide essay

armenian genocide essay

The Armenian Genocide is a terrible page in the history of the Armenian nation. In the Armenian language, this genocide is known as the Great Crime. The genocide was organized and carried out in , and it lasted until on the territories controlled by the authorities of the Ottoman blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Persuasive Essay On The Armenian Genocide. The Turkish people are not known to be as cruel as their Nazi counterparts, but saying they did no evil is a lie. Armenian people were put under terrible circumstances, ranging from rape, torture, starvation, and being killed for sport The Armenian Genocide Essay Words | 4 Pages. The Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Great Calamity, and the Armenian Massacre, was the organized killing of nearly million Armenians. It occurred in the Ottoman Empire - present-day Turkey - where 2 million Armenians lived

Armenian Genocide Free Essay Sample

The Armenian Genocide is a terrible page in the history of the Armenian nation. In the Armenian language, this genocide is known as the Great Crime. The genocide was organized and armenian genocide essay out inand it lasted until on the territories controlled by the authorities of the Ottoman Empire, armenian genocide essay. The genocide was carried out by means of physical destruction and deportation, including the displacement of the civilian population armenian genocide essay the conditions that led to certain death.

The Armenian Genocide was carried out in several stages: the disarmament of Armenian soldiers, selective deportation of Armenians from the border areas, the adoption of the law on deportation, mass deportation, and murder of Armenians.

Some historians also include the murder ofthe massacre of Smyrna, and the actions of the Turkish troops in the Caucasus in Kévorkian, This paper will examine culprits and the reasons of the Armenian Genocide, world response, eyewitness accounts, armenian genocide essay, and compare it to the Jewish Holocaust.

The Ottoman Empire was virtually ruled by the Young Turks, a political opposition movement in Turkey in the late XIX — early XX century. In a narrower sense, the Young Turks was a group of officers, members of the organization Union and Progress founded in The Young Turks managed the revolution of that brought the Young Turks to power after they had overthrown the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, armenian genocide essay.

Later, they held liberal reforms in the country. With the outbreak of World War I, the triumvirate of Enver Pasha, armenian genocide essay, Talaat Pasha, and Jemal Pasha concentrated all the power in their hands Kévorkian, It was they who had organized an act of genocide. They set their purpose to establish an independent state on the territory of the Ottoman Empire; and the methods of achieving this goal were simple and effective: seizure of banks, killing of the officials, bombings, and similar attacks.

The Young Turks put forward the slogan of the submission of all Turkish-speaking people and the seizure of the Caucasus. The huge territory of the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Iran was supposed to be attached to the Ottoman Empire.

On the eve of the First World War, the Young Turks had practically taken total control of the government and plunged the country into World War I on the side of Imperial Armenian genocide essay. This act led the Ottoman Empire to the military defeat and total collapse in the autumn of Kévorkian, There were several reasons for the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

Ethnic minorities of non-Muslim religions felt increasing internal demographic and economic pressure. Thus, they began to compete for resources they had historically controlled Totten, More to say, the new government turned out to be unable to fulfill the tasks and redress the iniquities. The Ottoman Empire showed its military weakness; therefore, the only one way to control the internal situation was to resort to violence.

Armenians had increased expectations from the reform measures introduced in the 19th century to modernize the Turkish state. However, these expectations were met Totten, Finally, there was some inconsistency between Armenian feelings of European concepts of progress through education with Turkish point of view on this question.

However, some groups of Turks and Kurds helped the victims of the Armenian Genocide. In written and published memoirs of survivors of the genocide, as well as oral histories, one can find numerous examples that show that ordinary Muslims helped Armenians individual or entire families sustain, though for a while. It is known that under the special order of the Turkish army, any Muslim who was hiding Armenians in his house was to be hanged in front of his house, and his house had to be burned de Waal, Although, the Kurdish people helped Turks with committing genocide, some groups of them had saved Armenians.

They secretly guided them through the mountain passes. Then, Armenians were able to find refuge in Russia. Without a doubt, it was a very dangerous mission due to the presence of the Turkish troops that guarded most of the ways.

Arabs helped Armenians during the Genocide as well. They picked up Armenian orphans and hid them in their houses. Some of the Arabs shared food with victims of the Genocide and gave them shelter de Waal, In addition, foreign missionaries helped and saved Armenian families during the Armenian Genocide.

British, Germans, Swiss, and French armenian genocide essay to Armenia armenian genocide essay saved tens of thousands of Armenian genocide essay children; having saved the children, they kept the gene pool of the entire nation. Missioners created shelters around the world, including Constantinople, Gyumri, Beirut, armenian genocide essay, Aleppo, Greek Corfu, and so on de Waal, The parties agreed that the Turkish government had to be punished for the crime.

However, Britain, France, and Armenian genocide essay offer of the international investigation was rejected. Later, Britain and France did not undertake practical actions to influence international society politically de Waal, Inarmenian genocide essay, the Turkish Military Tribunal was held.

It considered legal proceedings on the participation of leadership of the party Unity and Progress in the killings of Armenians and violation of the constitution and speculation in wartime. The composition of the Tribunal was changed several times to allow the accused to escape punishment. The Turkish government did not adopt a proposal to include representatives of neutral armenian genocide essay in the tribunal.

Despite support for organizers of the genocide in Turkish society, armenian genocide essay, the Tribunal found the missing at the Enver, Armenian genocide essay, and Talaat guilty and sentenced them to death. However, the sentence was not executed since the defendants had fled to Germany and became unavailable for the Turkish government de Waal, Sarkis Agojian was one of the survivors of the armenian genocide essay. His story is terrible proof of the atrocities against his people.

Sarkis Agojian was native Armenian born in in Chemeshgadsak. When the Armenian Genocide began, Sarkis was 9 years old, and he studied at school. One day, he went to school and found out that his principal and several teachers who were Armenian had been arrested and sent somewhere out of the village.

When he armenian genocide essay home, he realized that his father and uncle, and all men from the village had been taken away. All members of his family were forced to leave their home and all the property and go to the Euphrates River.

It was the only one way to save them. Next, they went to Leloushaghen. There, a Turkish man secretly took Armenian boys away. Sarkis stayed with the boys and the Turkish man and his wife. That was how he had survived. The rest of his family went on to the Euphrates River. There, all of them were killed by the Turkish troops Totten, The first difference between these two terrible pages in the history is that there were no speeches in the Ottoman Empire against Armenian nation promoting hate, while in Nazi Germany, there were numerous speeches against the Jewish population.

Many soldiers and officers received orders to execute the Jewish directly from Hitler. Now, there are numerous evidences of these hate speeches on audio and video records.

At the same time, the Young Turk government had never conducted such events. They had never expressed hate to Armenians in front of Turkish society until the Genocide began Wilson, Secondly, Armenians had many rebels while the Jewish had not. During insurrection, Armenians showed their certain power. Thus, the Ottoman government found out that they should decrease the Armenian population. However, Jews weakly resisted the Nazis Wilson, Thirdly, the Jews did not own guns, armenian genocide essay.

On the other hand, armenian genocide essay, Armenians were able armenian genocide essay get weapons from Russia and Iran and collect it. There is an opinion that Armenians collected armenian genocide essay to protect themselves. They also set up the barricades and trenches. The Jews have always suffered from German aggression. Armenians had never lived as a free nation for years and managed their own territories.

They faced the aggression for the first time in Wilson, Finally, there is great amount of documentary evidence of Nazi crimes against the Jews. There is a huge amount of photos and videos.

Many of the photos, which are considered evidence of the Armenian Genocide, depict unidentified bodies that are not related to the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, some photos have been tampered or edited in order to show murders; thus, most of them are fake.

Therefore, the Holocaust is recognized by Germany, and crimes of the Armenian Genocide are denied by modern Turkey Armenian genocide essay, Mass extermination and deportation of the Armenian population of provinces of the Ottoman Empire was carried out by the ruling circles of Turkey in The policy of genocide against Armenians was caused by several factors.

The Armenian Genocide was carried out by the government armenian genocide essay Turkey. They were the main perpetrators of the monstrous crimes of the first genocide of the twentieth century. Carried out in Turkey, Armenian genocide inflicted enormous damage of the material and spiritual culture of the Armenian people.

Mass deportation and massacre of the Armenian population was aimed at its destruction. The real purpose of deportation was known by Germany and Turkey.

The Young Turks were determined to put the end to the Armenian question in such a way. Armenians were expelled from their places of permanent residence and sent to the depths of the Empire, where special camps had been created for them.

Armenians were killed in their places of residence, armenian genocide essay, and on the way to exile; their caravans were attacked by the Turkish rabble and Kurdish robber gangs.

Armenian genocide essay a result, a small part of the deported Armenians reached the destination. There were cases when the deported Armenians were removed from the camps and massacred in the desert.

There were many eyewitness testimonies of the Armenian genocide. Lastly, there are some common features and the ways in which the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust differ.

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Armenian Genocide Essay

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Armenian Genocide Essay | Bartleby

armenian genocide essay

Order Original Essay. How it works. The start of the Armenian genocide occurred in the year and extended all the way through which involved the Turks and Armenian people taking place in the Ottoman Empire. Throughout history, attempts to gain control over land has been a major cause of destruction and mass targeting of groups of people in the efforts to Persuasive Essay On The Armenian Genocide. The Turkish people are not known to be as cruel as their Nazi counterparts, but saying they did no evil is a lie. Armenian people were put under terrible circumstances, ranging from rape, torture, starvation, and being killed for sport The Armenian Genocide Essay Words | 4 Pages. The Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Great Calamity, and the Armenian Massacre, was the organized killing of nearly million Armenians. It occurred in the Ottoman Empire - present-day Turkey - where 2 million Armenians lived

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