Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Argumentative thesis statement examples

Argumentative thesis statement examples

argumentative thesis statement examples

For example, in a Classical or Aristotelian argument (explained in pages that follow), your thesis statement should clearly present your side of the issue. In a Rogerian argument (explained in pages that follow), your thesis should bring both sides of the issue together. Still, there are some basic guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to an argumentative thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be Here are six more thesis statement examples for you to consider: Bad: Everyone should exercise. - Why should I? What's in it for me? Good: Americans should add exercise to their daily morning routine because it not only keeps their bodies at a healthy weight but also reduces the risk of Thesis Statement Examples #1. Why Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory Today, nearly 40% of American parents refuse to vaccinate their children due to a variety of unfounded fears. Vaccinations against diseases such as polio, rubella, and mumps, should be mandatory, without exception, for allFile Size: KB

Thesis Statement Examples

Fleming, Grace. A thesis statement provides the foundation argumentative thesis statement examples your entire research paper or essay. This statement is the central assertion that you want to express in your essay. A successful thesis statement is one that is made up of one or two sentences clearly laying out your central idea and expressing an informed, argumentative thesis statement examples, reasoned answer to your research question. Usually, the thesis statement will appear at the end of the first paragraph of your paper.

If you are writing an expository essayyour thesis statement should explain to the reader what she will learn in your essay.

For example:. These statements provide a statement of fact about the topic not just opinion but leave the door open for you to elaborate with plenty of details. A good thesis statement in an expository essay always leaves the reader wanting more details. If you have been instructed to take a stance on one side of a controversial issue, you will need to write an argument essay.

Your thesis statement should express the stance you are taking and may give argumentative thesis statement examples reader a preview or a hint of your evidence. The thesis of an argument essay could look something like the following:. These thesis statements are effective because they offer opinions that can be supported by evidence.

If you are writing an argument essay, you can craft your own thesis around the structure of the statements above. In an analytical essay assignment, you will be expected to break down a topic, process, or object in order to observe and analyze your subject piece by piece.

Examples of a thesis statement for an analytical essay include:. Because the role of the thesis statement is to state the central message of your entire paper, it is important to revisit and maybe rewrite your thesis statement after the paper is written, argumentative thesis statement examples. In fact, it is quite normal argumentative thesis statement examples your message to change as you construct your paper.

Help Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms of Service Image Credits Creative Commons CC license unless otherwise noted. Built with WordPress Protected by Akismet Powered by CUNY. Skip to content Fleming, Grace. Thesis statements will vary depending on the type of paper you are writing, argumentative thesis statement examples, such as an expository essay, argument paper, or analytical essay. For example: The United States spends more money on its military budget than all the industrialized nations combined.

Gun-related homicides and suicides are increasing after years of decline. Hate crimes have increased three years in a row, according to the FBI. Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD increases the risk of stroke and arterial fibrillation irregular heartbeat.

Are you simply giving an overview or describing an event, object, or process? Are you conducting an analysis of an event, object, argumentative thesis statement examples, or process? Argument Thesis Statement Examples If you have been instructed to take a stance on one side of a controversial issue, you will need to write an argument essay.

The thesis of an argument essay could look something like the following: Self-driving cars are too dangerous and should be banned from the roadways. The exploration of outer space is a waste of money; instead, funds should go toward solving issues on Earth, such as poverty, hunger, global warming, and traffic congestion. The U.

must crack down on illegal immigration. Street cameras and street-view maps have led to a total loss of privacy in the United States and elsewhere. Analytical Essay Thesis Statement Examples In an analytical essay assignment, you will be expected to break down a topic, process, or object in order to observe and analyze your subject piece by piece.

Examples of a thesis statement for an analytical essay include: The criminal justice reform bill passed by the U. The rise in populism and nationalism in the U. and European democracies has coincided with the decline of moderate and centrist parties that have argumentative thesis statement examples since WWII. Later-start school days increase student success for a variety of reasons.

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How to Write a Thesis Statement - Argumentative Essay

, time: 4:27

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 3 Steps & Examples

argumentative thesis statement examples

 · 15 Thesis Statement Examples. Below are 15 debatable, supportable, and focused thesis statements for you to learn from. Feel free to customize them for use in your own argumentative essay. As you read the following examples, be careful not to use these thesis statements word-for-word  · Example 1: Argumentative thesis. In an argumentative essay, your thesis should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning. Take a look at these two versions of a thesis statement in an essay about U.S. environmental policy. Weak thesis statement The U.S. Government should invest in a Green New blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Here are six more thesis statement examples for you to consider: Bad: Everyone should exercise. - Why should I? What's in it for me? Good: Americans should add exercise to their daily morning routine because it not only keeps their bodies at a healthy weight but also reduces the risk of

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